I Need Another Skein

The True Tale of a Novice Texas Knitter who admits to loving yarn more than she loves knitting...

Location: Plano, Texas, United States

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Buying and Dyeing...

So I keep talking about the Stash Enhancements - and have come to the realization that I just don't need a whole lot more until I start actually knitting up some that I have - so these are my latest - and last - purchases for a bit.

The Colinette Jitterbug Sahara, Yarn Ahoy's Royal Peacocks (Just got this before she went on vacation!), and Lazy Perry Ranch's "Skye".

I love the Lazy Perry Ranch's yarns - she really has an eye for color. I love the way she matches the yarn to the colors in the picture - like the goat for this yarn.

So right now - with the exception of my yarn buying excursion during our local group's retreat this weekend - I'm only buying blanks.

After my dyeing class at Simpatico - I'm hooked. I love the dyeing - watching the colors appear and meld together to form beautiful yarns like I find on Etsy - it's so much fun!

Using water, vinegar and Wilton's cake icing colors and a little microwave magic, I was able to turn these

into These:

The first 2 were done in the class at Simpatico Yarns in Bedford - and the third one I did as a stress relief project this weekend. I think I like it best! It is definitely more purple than the picture shows - I should have taken that pic in natural light, too.

I've cast on with the blue/green yarn on the left - and this is how it's turning out.

So far - I'm loving it!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such beautiful yarn! I like the one you are knitting - it is so pretty.

12:43 PM  

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